The fall of the human being into distance from God was the fall from what it truly means to be human. We do not sin because we are human, but because we start to become more and more inhuman. And just as we cannot love God whom we have not seen unless we love our neighbor whom we have seen, the more inhuman we become, the more we hate God, the less we love him. When we detach ourselves from the value and dignity of human life and become anti-life, disguised as pro-some "choice" , instead of pro-life, we truly disfigure our humanity. through this our whole culture is becoming inhuman. And that inhumanity is eating, destroying the human from inside. Two news stories that touch on this have come to my attention in the last few days. I have chosen to comment on both of them as a temper of our times. The first story I found on a blog post on Patheos, and it has been confirmed as a real story. According to the post, under the Netherlan...
A blog about life on the economic margins of America and the world. The writer will also share personal experiences,and comment on spiritual, economic, artistic and other matters including books, films and music. This blog is heavily influenced by the Catholic Workers Movement. Please share our posts and follow us by email or subscription.