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Myths about Jared Loughner

It is actually amazing what an abundance of information there is about Loughner's political views.  But I actually won't start there.

The first myth I want to dismantle is simple, in fact I have already addressed it. It's the alleged incomparability of politics and mental illness.   I have worked with the mentally ill and find that they range all over the place on politics, from the apolitical to the intensely political. And they range from left to right.

The day of the Columbine shootings a Bipolar friend started calling gun dealers to chew them out for there role in the massacre and to tell them he believes in gun control.   I think the irony of this should not escape our notice.  We automatically assume that the mentally ill are apolitical and violent.  He demonstrated the opposite.

I should say here that there is at least as much evidence of Loughner's right wing politics that his mental illness, in fact on a documentary level more. While he may have been on medication, Loughner seems to have no official diagnosis and we are being treated to diagnosis from affair from pundits and guest shrinks.  I was even told by someone that you can tell Loughner is crazy by looking at him.  When I look at him, I think skin head, a matter we will get to later. 

Another myth is that Loutishness' rants about grammar point to his mental illness.  In fact it's one of his firmest ties to the far right.  These come from the theories of a far right blogger named David Wynn Miller, who purports himself a judge. Miller is a former tool and die maker who gives seminars on government control of grammar and how to fight it.  He invented what he calls Mathematical Interface for Language or Correct Language.  He claims only nouns have legal authority and the government is trying to introduce other words as legal authority.  He is only one of many right wing sources for the theory of government control through language Below a website about the Loughner/Miller issue, and Miller's own website. .
Also see Wikipedia:

Loughner himself  wrote on his website, according to the Economist, that" You don't allow the government to contol your grammar structure listener?  The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar.  What is government if words don't have meaning?"

"What is government if words don't have meaning" is the question he asked  Congresswoman Giffords. Her failure to answer it to his satisfaction is why he pursued her.  His friends who have been a source of misinformation about him failed to comprehend the political nature or source of this question.  He further suggested that the people of Arizona were 'illiterate.'

Indeed his reading list, including both Orwell and the proto-libertarian Ann Rand also underlies his obsession with language.  Both wrote of the governments use of language to control the populace and the mind.

Miller himself claims not to know Loughner but agrees with his web postings concerning grammar and government mind control. Miller is one of many "common law gurus" who travel giving seminars advocating right wing ideas about law.  He calls himself a " Plenipotentiary-Judge"

Loughner, in a "One Video available at  Slate Magazine   "Pima Community College and the local police are 'unconstitutional.' " Loughner uses this to argue against bills he owes.

Loughner also said" If the property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution then the revolutionary's from the revolution are in control of the land and laws. The property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution. Thus, the revolutionary's from the revolution are in control of the land and laws.
In conclusion, reading the United States Constitution, I can't trust the current government because of the ratifications: The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar.No! I won't pay debt backed with a currency that's not backed by gold and silver!"
The idea of a currency backed by gold and silver, along with opposition to the federal reserve as controlled by international bankers, is a standard belief of the right wing patriot movement and the militias. While clearly in a deranged context, Loughner is explicitly proposing right wing ideas here. 
There Loughner claimed to be in the 'political information business'.  He said that government officals and the people were listening and talked about his new currency.   He also called for a new language. 
Especially pointed is what he said about terrorism,


If I define terrorist then a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. I define terrorist. Thus, a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. If you call me a terrorist then the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem."

He further states," he majority of citizens in the United States of America have never read the United States of America's Constitution.

You don't have to accept the federalist laws.

Nonetheless, read the United States of America's Constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws."

Then there is the Jared reading list from his myspace page: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno."

Animal Farm and Brave New World both deal with anti-socialist themes and language. Fahrenhiet 451, a book I like, deals with government suppression of books. Mien Kampf is of course a far right book, but the Communist Manifesto is for various reasons, common on right wing reading lists.  The John Birch Society at least used to publish there own edition of it.  The first person I knew who read it was my John Birch Society member Uncle. "We the Living" is an Ann Rand book, espousing her proto-libertarian views.   Almost every book on the list, includsing the childrens books, could be viewed as espousing anti-authoritarian views.  

Another myth is that Jared Loughner was not interested in voting. In fact he was registered to vote Republican.  See:  At least two sources I have checked say he voted in 2006 and 2008, although at one time he may have been registered independent.  

Southern Poverty Law Center's Hate Watch article on who is Jared Loughner says, "Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates, which does similar work to that of Hatewatch, points out in a post earlier today that Loughner also makes a reference to a “second American constitution.” As Chip notes, that is commonly understood to refer to the Reconstruction amendments that freed the slaves and gave them citizenship, among other things. Chip says that “raises the question of a possible racist and anti-immigrant tie” in the Arizona shooting.
On top of that, Fox News is reporting on an internal Department of Homeland Security message suggesting some tie between Loughner and American Renaissance, a kind of white-collar racist group." 

Chip Berlet's Political Research Associastes site  in an article entitled Possible Racist and Anti-Immigrant Tie To Alleged Arizona Assassin states, "The concept of a "second American constitution" actually comes from serious writings by Constitutional scholars and has been twisted by White Supremacists and conspiracy theorists. The claim is a core element of White Nationalism, as documented in Leonard Zeskind's. Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream."

If this is true that the "second American Constitution" reference is from far right groups, and if the Fox Newes report was acurate, Loughner's skin head apperance I alluded to earlier is not accident.  

The New York Times  noted that Loughner believed that there was a U.S government conspiracy behind 9-11, a notion found on both the extreme left and right. He accordingly raged at George W. Bush. 

The times further cited both Breanna Castle, a high school friend and Ms. Figueroa, his former girlfriend as describing libertarian ideas of less government in his politics.  The well known Tweet discribing him as very 'liberal' may just have been consuing liberal and libertarian. 
Finally there is the political act of burning the flag. This could be construed as a far left action, but I think it shows how far in an anti government right wing direction Loughner went, that he was coming up on the left in a circular direction. 


  1. "I should say here that there is at least as much evidence of Loughner's right wing politics that his mental illness"

    I, among many others, debated politics on message boards with the guy for many, many months. He is/was a committed left winger. In one thread I recall him telling that he voted for Obama and would gladly do so again. Spare me from the lie that his politics was right wing.

    "Another myth is that Jared Loughner was not interested in voting. In fact he was registered to vote Republican"

    False. He was a registered independent. Your evidence is a photoshopped fraud. When this first came out, the person who created this hoax misspelled Tucson. When the mispelling was pointed out, a second version was created and put out with the correct spelling. But there is also another mistake on it. If you go to the official Arizona voter registration website and do a search on the address provided, it gives you the district number 26. This photoshopped fake has the district number 27.


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