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Time to Get Back to the Job of Being Unemployed

Sorry dear readers.  I got so into the trials and tribulations of unemployment that I have not written about it. After my day of temping that I wrote about I did a second strenuous day.  After that the weather, the holidays, a injury to my hand and ribs and all the efforts to actually find a job have kept me from doing all the writing I should. I have a sprained finger  buddy wrapped to another  and this slows down my typing.  Because of it, my sense of spacing with both hands in off  and I am making lots of typos that I have to correct.   But enough of my unofficial troubles.  On to my official one.

Last Wednesday I went to a "Mature Workers Job Club" meeting.  The Work Source Department has an official Mature Workers Job Club, but this is an additional meeting, on weeks that Work Source does not have it's meetings, in the home of one of the "mature workers."

The meeting was in the Prag House, a large house that is on property owned by the Cascadia land trust.  The household manages itself on contract to the land trust. Sally provided coffee and tea and I brought a crumb type cake for the gang to eat. 

A job club is a great opportunity to network,  get peer reviews of you job search, get comments of career goals and resume content.   For older workers it is a support group in the face of age bias and other problems the older unemployed worker faces.  Unfortunately the days when you could expect to retire on your job are long gone. 

There were few in attendance at the club, but the discussion was dynamic.  We each took turns describing our job search and then we gave each other suggestions for places to find work, ways to present our skills, ways to reinvent ourselves. 

The great thing about the club, besides the help I got, I was learning more about the economy through it.  We discussed technological learning, the finance industry, the world of non-profits and the state of the employment market. 

I learned, for instance, that Bank of America has so many job applications for finance positions coming from online that they can't read or process them all and are looking at other ways to find qualified applicants.  I think that the same may be true in other industries.  If that is true. then just applying endlessly on line may not improve your chances of getting a job in certain fields. 


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