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Dream Act Passed in the House

The Dream Act has passed in the house, a baby step towards a baby step into a rational immigration policy, but never the less that step has been taken.  The Senate votes at  11 AM tomorrow on the Act.

As a young boy I always heard stories of when various people in my family immigrated.  Maybe that is why I never was afraid of poor Catholic farmworkers crossing a border to work and feed there family.  Or maybe it was because of the Mexican family my sister befriended when we were young, who went to our parish.

As I grew up and studied history I read about the Know-Nothing Party, the briefed lived anti-immigrant movement that coupled electing people to Congress with burning down Catholic Churches.  And I heard of the signs that said "No Irish Need Apply."  I always thought that anti-immigrant sentiment was an anti-Catholic prejudice.  I identified with the immigrant.

And because I grew up in Seattle I also heard the stories of Mother Cabrini, who my Grandfather had known.  She went all over Seattle getting food donations to feed the poor--the poor immigrants.  I was taught that she was a positive example.  She became the patron saint of immigrants.

So For Mother Cabrini call the Senate and ask them to vote for passage. ( 1-202-224-3121 )

There are some critical swing votes if you are one of these guys constituents:

McCaskill: (202) 224-6154

Landrieu: (202) 224-5824

Hagan: (202) 224-6342

Lugar: (202) 224-4814

Bennett: (202) 224-5444
Hatch: (202) 224-5251

Voinovich: (202) 224-3353

Collins: (202) 224-2523
Snowe: (202) 224-5344

LeMieux: (202) 224-3041

Hutchison: (202) 224-5922

Gregg: (202) 224-3324

Brown: (202) 224-2315

Brownback: (202) 224-6521

Graham: (202) 224-5972

Stabenow: (202) 224-4822

Warner: (202) 224-2023
Webb: (202) 224-4024

Manchin: (202) 224-3954

Murkowski: (202) 224-6665


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