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Odds and Ends

I'm going to start tying together short items once in a while as odds and ends. Some of the comments may not be strictly on the main points of this blog, but I'll try not to stray too far. If you leave comments after these items please indicate which item you are responding, if it isn't obvious.

Please pray for a little boy named Yohannes (John) is a hospital in Portland.  I bumped into his Father, Fiasal, whom I know from Blessed Sacrament, both the parish and the food bank.  Fiasal was trying to get up the money to go down and see his some, and cannot rest until he sees him.  Yohannes is about to have a Leukemia transfusion.

I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving.  I am told, and take as an article of faith, that hot gravy covers a multitude of sins.

This just in from the Consistent Life Newsletter:
"Brother David Buer, OFM, “the Friar to the homeless,” received the National Peace Award from the Secular Franciscan Order.  Brother Buer was a speaker at CL’s San Francisco Conference some years back.  He urges bringing the poor, the homeless, and the migrants into our circle of love.  He has established Poverello houses to serve the homeless in several cities and has set up cooling centers where homeless people can escape the oppressive summer heat of Arizona."

Whispers in the Loggia has a great new term for the Black Friday crowds: Flash mob.  See 

The squirrel that I talked about in a previous post ( is probably going to get fat.  I have been giving him two slices of bread a day but for Thanksgiving I gave him three.

 And speaking of yesterday, while having coffee at the Tulley's I finished the whole of the New York Times crossword puzzle. Thank you to the smart people with the lap top at the table next to me who helped with three words.  I was going to need to call my Dad, who finishes it almost every day,   if it weren't for them.  Speaking of crosswords, does anyone know Yoko's maiden name?

After going to the food bank at Blessed Sacrament I decided to treat myself, something I haven't done much of lately.  I stopped at the University District, I Love New York Deli to get there Recession Special breakfast sandwich ($1.99 plus tax) and a small coffee ($1.00 plus tax, include refills.)  The serve was nice, two people asked how my sandwich was, and it was good.  The atmosphere is very New York if you want that.  They say business has been good (maybe the economy is picking up!)

There address:

5200 Roosevelt Way NE
(between 52nd St & 53rd St) 
Seattle, WA 98105
Neighborhood: University District

If any of my Seattle friends want to take out a unemployed Seattle blogger for coffee, especially for his big 60 birthday Sunday, just go ahead and fill in the comment section blank...

Finally I had a piece of pumpkin cake I got from the food bank when I got home. It was very good.!


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