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Welcome to Readers from St. Blog's Parish

I've been getting a lot of new readers from St. Blog's Parish, along with old readers from my Facebook friends, Mark Shea's Catholic and Enjoying It!, Scriptural Rosary and several other places.  It's no secret that a large number of my readers are Catholic, which I am myself, but are are welcome, devout atheists included.  Fr. Daniel, my pastor at Blessed Sacrament always says we need a welcoming parish.  I am trying to write a welcoming blog.

Please feel free to leave comments after articles,even comments from the peanut gallery, it's open comment here. I have a Dorthy Day edge as my friend Mark Shea observed, and if you don't that's okay, we have to engage in a lot of respectful dialog to build a sense of community. But remember, of course, Dorothy Day is Servant of God, 1st leg up on canonization, and while she didn't want to be called a saint so that she could be pigeon holed and dismissed, she's one leg up on any of us.

There is one aspect of the Catholic Worker tradition that I hope all of you observe, the tradition of the round table, that we must exchange comments to build community.  In Catholic social teaching community is very important.  In fact the whole concept of liturgy depends in part on it. We gather together.  A priest doesn't celebrate mass alone. Jesus said, "Where two or more of you are gathered, I will be there."

C.S. Lewis said we read so that we know we are not alone.  I say we write so that others will know they are not alone. So please consider leave a comment so that myself and all my readers shall know they are not alone. Thank you.


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