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Showing posts from 2011

Peace & Life Connections

This issue of Peace and Life Connections has a great answer to the notion that Planned Parenthood should continue to receive funding simply because of things like cancer screenings that it does. It's worth considering their argument. Peace & Life Connections

Pro-Abortion Blog Attacks Sarah Palin's Son: "Retarded," "Somewhat Alive" |

I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, but picking on a kid with Down's syndrome because you don't like his grandmother is not what is consider "progressive" and I shall attempt to communication such to the website that did this. I think it is particularly important for progessive pro-lifers to speak out on something like this. I also want to make clear that any political humor I may have leveled against Palin in the past, nor any vociferous disagreements  I expressed with her politics were not meant to in anyway deny her dignity or that of her family members.  I actually admire the positions and work she has done on Down's syndrome .   Pro-Abortion Blog Attacks Sarah Palin's Son: "Retarded," "Somewhat Alive" |

Trump’s Eminent-Domain Empire - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

Donald Trump as a real estate mogul, takes full advantage of the recent Supreme Court decision governments to using eminent demand to do redevelopment with private developers "to raise property values". Trump is a crony capitalist, not a freemarketer. I'm not a big fan for the National Reviews politics, but on this I agree with them. Trump’s Eminent-Domain Empire - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

Attorney General Holder Announces Formation of Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group to Focus on Energy Markets

The Koch Brothers(Koch Enterprises) are siphoning off petroleum into reserve storage to drive up the price so they can sell there commodity futures are a dear price. They are doing this right out in the open. The AG's office is right to investigate. Attorney General Holder Announces Formation of Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group to Focus on Energy Markets

May Day

Sunday May 1st at 1PM there will be a rally on behalf of immigrants and to stop the attacks on workers through the budgeting and union busting processes. The budgets are being balanced on the backs of the poor, disabled, seniors, immigrants, families with their children, union workers while someone has designed the tax loopholes big enough that you'd think they were trying to drive a herd of camels through to heaven.  It may turn out to be a disappointment to them!  It should be a good day for a walk and a good day to tell the world there is a side to this that isn't Sarah Patin's cup of tea. Event Location Judkins Park (next to St. Mary's Church) 611 20th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98144 Directions (Look for our banner at the northern baseball diamond on the field)

Mail Call!

Mail today from Washington can on the budget in Washington State and what we can do about it. A lot has happened since the last time we emailed you. The  ‘We Are One’ week of action  was a huge success! For over five days, Washington CAN members and community members took over the capitol to demand that lawmakers put people first in the budget.  One hundred people slept in the rotunda  to protest outdated tax breaks and more than 10,000 people rallied outside the capitol steps to call on lawmakers to pass a just budget.  Last week, a group of faith, labor, and Washington CAN leaders participated in the  People’s Walk for Our Future . Marchers walked over 50 miles in rainy, cold, windy weather from Auburn to Olympia to demand that lawmakers pass a moral budget by closing frivolous tax breaks for the wealthiest.  Health care, schools, immigrants, children, communities of color, seniors,  no one is spared from budget cuts except for one group: sp...

Donald Trump's Birth Certificate

Donald Trump, allegedly the son of Fred Christ Trump, who left him most of a $400 million dollar estate and a real estate business is running now, allegedly, for President of the United States, after having become, allegedly, pro-life, and he is demanding to see the birth certificate of President Obama, because he allegedly does not believe the one posted on line is real. Trump was born in the United States, allegedly, although I have never seen his birth certificate, and is therefore eligible to run for president although his birth may have been complicated by his having a silver spoon in his mouth at the time. I have, therefore, grave doubts that he was indeed born in the United States, since such complicated birth procedures are normally done in places with long traditions of aristocracy.   I therefore demand, that Donald Trump produce an authenticated copy of his birth certificate that proves that he is "one of us".  Furthe...

Spy infiltrates "Tax Day" event at B of A in Columbia, MD

This tongue and cheek "supporter" of Bank of America has nailed the problem on it's head. Yesterday there were picket lines at B of A's all over the country because they and other large banks are not paying their fair share in taxes.

Mail from Bernie

I got some Move On mail from my friend  Bernie (Bernadette), that is from another Bernie (Sanders) .  So I'm reporting here on some related matters and then opening the mail bag for you.  Lots to do for those of you who love writing Congress poeple or clicking internet buttons.  Yesterday I went to a Move on picket line/rally in front of the B of A in Ballard, part of a national effort to deliver peoples tax bills to Bank of America and other  big banks, get people to close their big bank accounts and open Credit Union or community bank accounts.  There were similar events from other organizations in other locations.  the Catholic Workers had a  over turning the money changers table event down in Columbia city.  Someone held one at the B of A on Lake City Way.    So here is what I think you should do: 1) Close your big bank accounts if you can.   2) Change over your Credit Cards and Mortgages if you can.  3...

Mail Bag

More mail from public citizen.  I give you the reader lots of chances to participate in letter writing campaigns. This one is to Congress. Joseph, Through tax breaks, loopholes and subsidies, billions of our tax dollars are being transferred away from working people and into corporate coffers. Meanwhile, corporate lobbyists and their allies in Congress are trying to eliminate funding for public protections that benefit the American people. Our tax dollars should be used to prevent reckless corporations from ransacking our economy, poisoning our environment and injuring workers — not to pad corporate profits. Let’s tell Congress: Stop giving away our tax dollars to reckless corporations, and start fully funding the agencies that protect us from corporate wrongdoing. Right now, the money we give away to corporations that break the law and endanger public health by far surpasses the amount we’re spending to keep them in check: Wall Street gets more than $6 billion...

Koch Industries Lackeys Admit To Manipulating Oil Prices…And Gloat About It, Too - By Yasha Levine - The eXiled

Same old same old. There are always those who corner the market, for a while anyway. The almost unregulated commodities market is one of the most pernicious features of modern capitalism as it overprices something one day, and ruins the small investor the next. Koch Industries Lackeys Admit To Manipulating Oil Prices…And Gloat About It, Too - By Yasha Levine - The eXiled

The Ramallah miracle: Is Palestine ready for independence? - The Globe and Mail

It's about time for a Palestinian state and about time for formal and complete peace between Israel and Palestine. Everybody has to recognize the needs and aspirations of the other guy. The solution to this problem is long overdue and it was held in check for decades by Cold War politics, indirectly. Now Palestine is growing economically and both sides are tiring of the fighting. If Israel will signal that it will recognize a Palestinian state a permanent peace becomes possible. The Ramallah miracle: Is Palestine ready for independence? - The Globe and Mail

Palm Sunday Procession, 2010

Living Lent: Palm Sunday - Cardinal Rigali

Big Mike Breaks the Deficit Down

This You Tube makes understanding the budget crisis easy. Let me note that I don't agree with Big Mike on Planned Parenthood. But in general I disagreed with the Republicans on budget.

Stations of the Cross

It's Friday in Lent and time for Stations of the Cross.  The simple image and music on this video make for a great Way of the Cross meditation. 

What is a Consistent Life Ethic ?

I am a advocate of Consistent Life, also known as Seamless Garment.  I think this is a very good explaination of this position. 

Mail from the Farmworkers

Toxic pesticide up for re-evaluation.  Stop its use now . I have been a supporter of the cause of farmworkers since I was in high school.  They suffer many indignities, including low wages, backbreaking labor and exposure to dangerous chemicals. Suppose you were at work and your boss sprayed you with toxic bug spray?  Please read the letter below from UFW and take action.    For the last 5 years, we've been tirelessly working to stop the use of methyl iodide, a cancer causing pesticide that scientists call,  "one of the most toxic chemicals on earth."  In March of 2010, the UFW even took legal action joining with other environmental groups. Our hard work is paying off:  The U.S. EPA has announced it will reconsider its decision to allow the use of this toxic pesticide. It has opened a public comment period. On April 28th, the day before the EPA's comment period closes, the UFW and our partners' goal is to turn in a petition with 200,000 sig...

Bruce Springsteen - O Mary Don't You Weep

From Springsteen's Pete Seeger CD, as we are getting ready for Good Friday, thinking of Mary weeping for her son.

Don't Weep

Getting read for Good Friday I will begin to post passion and crucifixion scenes to my blog.

Where has All the Money Gone? ~ Angry Tired Teachers

What has happened to money for schools and social services. Isn't it time we stood up for what we need in this country instead of letting inequality grow by leaps and bounds.

I Won't Back Down ~ Angry Tired Teachers ~ Pink Friday!

Made at a protest of teachers in 2009, this song is my answer to the budget cuts. 

Forgiving the Image of the Crucified

Christ, in every sense,  makes himself human, including by  the ignominy of his death.  Tortured on the rough wooden cross, because people with power felt threatened by him, he gave his life as an innocent victim for his friends.  He gave his life for us while we were still sinners.  Then he turned to his Father and said, "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do." Was he crucified because his persecutors could not recognize his divinity?  Or  was it because they could not recognize his humanity? Isn't it always the case that those who torture have failed to recognize shared humanity with their victims?   Our first duty to others is to recognize the humanity we share with them.  We are told that what we do for the poor, prisoners, the sick, we do for Our Lord, and when we failed to help those in need, we have failed him In the Lord's Prayer we ask for our forgiveness on the basis tha...

Mail Again

It is my usual practice to post mail I receive when I am in sympathy and agreement on the issue. I find it strange that religious people might consider torture acceptable.  All that is required of us is to reflect on the torture inflicted on our Lord and Savior on the cross, and remember that each human being is in some sense him, and we would refuse under any circumstances to torture. TORTURE IS A MORAL ISSUE Dear NRCAT Supporter: Many of you have already begun planning activities to mark Torture Awareness Month during the month of June. We are pleased to announce that NRCAT has developed these additional resources for congregations to use for education and advocacy: “ Repairing the Brokenness: A Faithful Response to U.S.-sponsored Torture ” – a new 10-minute video and discussion guide, focused on accountability as a path to national healing and redemption.   Watch it online !  Available on DVD –  order for $5.00 . Advocacy resources –...

Correspondence with the Political Class

Today I received mail from Rep. Jaime Pedersen expressing his concern for education in this state, but his inability to ensure it's protection.  I responded with a challenge that may take a while to have meet.    Both are below. Dear Mr. Drake -- Thanks for your message and for your advocacy for ending tax breaks to support public education, our paramount duty. I am a co-sponsor of HB 2078 and hope that I will have a chance to vote for it on the House floor before the end of session. As the father of four young kids, I am strongly interested in preserving smaller class sizes for early grades. Last year, I was proud to vote to suspend Initiative 960 (which required a 2/3 vote in the legislature to increase taxes or repeal tax loopholes) and to vote for a bill that repealed a variety of tax exemptions and increased several taxes to avoid an all-cuts budget. That bill was not as broad as I would have liked (for example, it did not repeal the longstanding B...

Pledge to Protect the American Citizens

This Blog is promoting a pledge that runs 180 degrees the opposite of Grover Norquist's  infamous American Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  The weak are being assaulted in the name of balancing the budget.  A committee is being started on an ad hoc basis until membership and officers can put it on a firmer footing.  Below is the pledge and information about the committee. Public Protection Budget Pledge, State Legislators and Congress People.  I, _______________, pledge to the citizens of the _____ district  In the state of__________, and to the American people that I will:  ONE, oppose any and all efforts to balance budget deficits at the expense of families, the poor, elderly, disabled or vulnerable. TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of programs helping these populations, unless matched dollar for dollar by improved programs.                           ...

How Much Will the Budget Cuts Cost?

The deepest budget cuts in American  history on the heels of  end of the last Congress continued give away of reduced tax rates to the wealthy has only whetted the appetites of conservatives who are staying firm in there attempt to restructure wealth upwards massively.   I thought perhaps we need to look at some of the costs of budget cuts. One of the cuts I have greatest difficulty with is a $500 million cut to Women, Infants and Children (WIC).  The Tea Party Enthusiasts actually had tried to completely scrap the program which provides milk and other high protein or hi nutrition items  to families with infants and young children as a supplement to food stamps.  Without WIC many families would be replacing milk for children with Kool Aid and mothers would be forced to water down formula.  Statistics prove that WIC reduces infant mortality and "failure to thrive". This massive cut means that some infants will die who...