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Make Them Dead Beats Pay!

More mail from Move  For the record, I am not a member of Move On and I don't necessarily agree with their full agenda.  But when it comes to making Dead Beat Filthy Rich Robber Baron Wall Street Tycoon (did I get it all in) Corporations pay I'm with them.  See Below.

Most Americans pay our taxes—but billion-dollar corporations are paying little or nothing. It's disgraceful. Can you host a "Tax Day: Make Them Pay" event on April 18 in Seattle to call out these corporate deadbeats? 

Yes, I can host!

Dear MoveOn member,
Nobody knows the details of Friday night's budget agreement to keep the government from shutting down.
But here's one thing we can be pretty sure of: the pain will fall mainly on poor and middle-class Americans, while billions in tax breaks, loopholes, and handouts for corporations will remain untouched. 
Those same billions could keep food in the mouths of hungry women and children, fund critical medical research, and do the actual work of reducing our deficit.
But nothing will change until we tell that story. Congressional Republicans won't listen to the man and woman in the street until we take to the streets—thousands of taxpayers and voters in their states and home districts calling out the billion-dollar corporations that pay little or nothing in taxes.
So, on Tax Day—Monday, April 18—we're holding hundreds of events across the country to call out the corporate tax deadbeats.
People are ready to speak out in Seattle, but they won't be able to until someone volunteers to host. Can you host a "Tax Day: Make Them Pay" event? It's fun and easy and will make sure people in Seattle can participate.
On April 18, MoveOn members and fellow progressives will gather outside the headquarters and local offices of corporations not paying their fair share. For instance, we'll target corporations like General Electric, which made $14.2 billion in profits last year—but paid NO federal taxes.1
At the events, we'll deliver tax bills to the biggest corporate tax dodgers and demand that our elected leaders make them pay.
If you've never hosted an event before, it's a simple and fun way to have a powerful impact. Just pick a location—we'll give you suggestions on how to choose—and invite your friends. We'll make sure you have all the tips and tools you'll need to organize the event, and we'll invite other MoveOn members in your area to come.
People in Seattle are ready to act. Can we count on you to host a "Tax Day: Make Them Pay" event?
Thanks for all you do.
Lenore, Mark, Julia, Tate, and the rest of the team
1. "G.E.'s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether," The New York Times, March 24, 2011


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