This Blog is promoting a pledge that runs 180 degrees the opposite of Grover Norquist's infamous American Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The weak are being assaulted in the name of balancing the budget. A committee is being started on an ad hoc basis until membership and officers can put it on a firmer footing. Below is the pledge and information about the committee.
P.O. Box 95472Seattle , WA 98145
Public Protection Budget Pledge, State Legislators and Congress People.
I, _______________, pledge to the citizens of the _____ district
In the state of__________, and to the American people that I will:
ONE, oppose any and all efforts to balance budget deficits at the expense of families, the poor, elderly,
disabled or vulnerable.
TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of programs helping these populations, unless matched dollar for dollar by improved programs.
THREE, oppose cuts in entitlement programs that substantially harm these populations.
__________________ ___________________
Signature Witness
________________ ___________________
Date Date
Public Protection Budget Pledge U. S. Senators and Governors
I, _______________, pledge to the citizens of the state of _____
and to the American people that I will:
ONE, oppose any and all efforts to balance budget deficits at the expense of families, the poor, elderly,
disabled or vulnerable.
TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of programs helping these populations, unless matched dollar for dollar by improved programs.
THREE, oppose cuts in entitlement programs that substantially harm these populations.
__________________ ___________________
Signature Witness
________________ ___________________
Date Date
Document should be signed, dated, witnessed and returned to:
Committee to Protect the Budget for the American People
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