I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, but picking on a kid with Down's syndrome because you don't like his grandmother is not what is consider "progressive" and I shall attempt to communication such to the website that did this. I think it is particularly important for progessive pro-lifers to speak out on something like this. I also want to make clear that any political humor I may have leveled against Palin in the past, nor any vociferous disagreements I expressed with her politics were not meant to in anyway deny her dignity or that of her family members. I actually admire the positions and work she has done on Down's syndrome. Pro-Abortion Blog Attacks Sarah Palin's Son: "Retarded," "Somewhat Alive" | LifeNews.com
Paul Ryan should perhaps look at the writings of Benedict and other recent popes on redistribution. they are most definitely teaching redistribution to help the poor, as this America article attests. America Magazine Benedict XVI weighs in on "Redistribution" : 'via Blog this'
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