Here is the letter I wrote to Frank Chopp in the Washington State House.
Dear Representative Chopp, It's time to square up to political courage, stand up to the far right assault on the budget and find away to fund the services that the population needs. Cutting 108,000,000 from Basic Health, eliminating coverage for thousands of families, $596,000,000 cut from community colleges and universities, hurting our competitiveness and innovation, and $1,200,000,000 from voter-approved initiatives to reduce K-12 class sizes and help pay teachers a living wage and other similar cuts is unworkable. This budget will 1) drive the state back into recession, 2) hurt the most vulnerable, and 3) reduce the spending power of Washington citizens thereby making our revenue crisis worse next year. When the budget cut cure for a slow economy was tried in the 1930's it drove the country back into recession. Do you refuse to learn from history? A budget that saves tax breaks for special interests while slashing essential services is irresponsible and immoral. Sincerely, Mr. Joseph Drake
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