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A Blow Stuck to Close Tax Loopholes

Tell your legislators to end unfair tax breaks and protect our kids’ future

Here is some mail I got from FUSE about Washington State House Bill 2078--to close a Wall Street Banker tax loophole for education. 

Dear Friend,

Finally, some good news. 

48 members of the state House just launched a last-ditch effort to rescue funding for our kids’ classrooms. Their proposal - House Bill 2078 - saves funding for our kids’ kindergarten through third grade classrooms by finally closing tax loopholes for Wall Street Banks and out-of-state shoppers.1 

These 48 legislators defied pundits and conservative editorial boards to introduce this badly needed reform. But thanks to Tim Eyman’s Initiative 1053, it takes a 2/3 supermajority or a public vote to close tax loopholes. 

We’re challenging 2/3 of the legislature to vote yes for our kids’ future. And now that the state Senate has released their budget - including deeper cuts to education and essential services than the state House - it’s even more important that we don’t give away one more dollar in unfair tax breaks.2 

To overcome bank lobbyists and the 2/3 requirement, every legislator needs to hear from us that our kids’ future is more important than tax breaks for special interests. Tell your legislators to support HB 2078 to end unfair tax breaks and protect our kids’ future. Click below to send a message now:

The state Senate’s budget released yesterday puts almost everything on the chopping block, including our kids’ classrooms. Closing these loopholes alone would generate $170 million over the next two years - enough to save smaller classes for our kids in kindergarten through third grade. 

During these critical formative years, our kids need as much personal attention and instruction from their teachers as possible. But when budget cuts lead to classes of 25, 30, or even more rambunctious 6-year-olds, our kids simply can’t receive the education they need to inspire their imaginations and prepare them for the global economy. 

Tell your legislators to support HB 2078 to end unfair tax breaks and protect our kids’ future. Click below to send a message now:

Thanks for all that you do,

Jim and the entire team at Fuse


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