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Mail from the Farmworkers

Toxic pesticide up for re-evaluation. Stop its use now.

I have been a supporter of the cause of farmworkers since I was in high school.  They suffer many indignities, including low wages, backbreaking labor and exposure to dangerous chemicals. Suppose you were at work and your boss sprayed you with toxic bug spray?  Please read the letter below from UFW and take action.   

For the last 5 years, we've been tirelessly working to stop the use of methyl iodide, a cancer causing pesticide that scientists call, "one of the most toxic chemicals on earth." In March of 2010, the UFW even took legal action joining with other environmental groups.

Our hard work is paying off: The U.S. EPA has announced it will reconsider its decision to allow the use of this toxic pesticide. It has opened a public comment period.

On April 28th, the day before the EPA's comment period closes, the UFW and our partners' goal is to turn in a petition with 200,000 signatures. We already have more than 40,000 signatures.
The science is clear: This pesticide is too toxic to be used safely. But big ag wants it, and they are used to getting what they want.

As Cesar Chavez said, "Why do we allow farm workers to carry the burden of pesticides on their shoulders?"

Help us get rid of this toxin for once and for all. Sign our petition and urge the EPA and Administrator Lisa Jackson to do their job and protect the people.

Si Se Puede! 
sign petition graphic
Sign the petition at:


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