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Democracy in Action

Yesterday I published a letter about the town hall meeting coming up  at:

43rd Legislative District Town Hall
Saturday, March 12, 2-3:30 p.m.
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

Now I have recieved another letter reminding us of the town hall meetings:
This weekend, legislators in districts across the state will return home to hold Town Hall meetings – meetings that will offer a chance for people like you to ask questions and get feedback. As legislators work to finish the 2011-2013 biennium budget, this is the perfect opportunity for advocates to remind them to put the needs of the most vulnerable first, and to fund programs like the Housing Trust Fund.
Since 1989, the Housing Trust Fund has invested more than $600 million in new and improved housing, leveraged more than $3 billion in private and public sector support, and has increased the stock of affordable housing by more than 35,000 units across the state. These investments have created thousands of jobs and have generated millions in state and local tax revenues. Yet, every year we have to push to get the program funded.
Will you go to the Town Hall meeting in your district and tell your legislators to fund the Housing Trust Fund at $200 million? Our friends at the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance have created this helpful Housing Trust Fund Guide for the Town Hall meetings, complete with facts, talking points, and possible responses. Click Here to find out where and when the Town Hall meeting is happening in your district, and let us know if you plan on going! If your district isn't listed, Click Here to find your legislators' contact information and ask them when they are holding a Town Hall meeting!
If you can’t make it out this weekend, you can still take action from home. Click Here to send a message to your legislators to support the Housing Trust Fund!


  1. Washington Association for Justice emailed me urging attendees at Town Hall meetings tomorrow to tell their representatives to vote no on Senate Bill 5566 which is a back door attempt to weaken Worker's Comp in this state after we voted the special interests down at the polls. More on this blog at Special Interests Pocketing Politicans


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