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Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf


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  2. oseph Drake said...
    My brother Thomas, who is deaf, called my attention to a particular bad budget cut being proposed in New York. In Mill Neck New York there is a family of organization including a school for the deaf and a school for special needs students like autistic students. These have been state funded and provided services for the deaf for over 100 years. Now Gov. Cuomo is planning to stop funding them and tell them to go to the school districts they serve for funds. Listen to the U-Tube please.

  3. the budget cut is for entire programfor low functional. Deaf school program has been miscategorized there. should have seperated completely from that. total 11 deaf schools in NY State. Really BIG CUTBACK. Force deaf school to seek from district to fund them. That is a very last minute or all or many school will have to shut down next year with no replacment funding. Cusmo doesnt undrestand that 11 deaf school really are highly beneficial to deaf chidlren. Many deaf alumni have good career after getting excellent education there

  4. Deaf children would not be able to get same education and District School has not had any preparation for unexpecting event ! Distrcit School are public school for hearing. They have to hire many intepreters in all statewide NY state. There will be a big short of good interpreters. Deaf would not be able to learn well there not as exactly same as deaf school would be able to do.

    Many deaf will feel isolated and will suffer from lack of social there Many hearing coaches refuse to let deaf players on teams. My deaf daughter had a potential and was the tallest and strongest player of the soccer team. Coach and i never got along on that !. I fought for my daugther.


    hearing people can read captioned even though a deaf man signed without voice. you can learn ASL from watching his signing while you read capoitned LOL !


    another vlog you can read captioned too.


    NAD Presdient gave her lecture Captioned included yes.. NAD stands for National Association for Deaf ! THe major organzation is advocacy for many things including deaf right and law protection for deaf customers and the closest lobbyist for deaf with US Congress


    it was on TV NEWS I can see that newscaster wwere shocked ! yes it is on captioned possibly voice from newscaster

  9. Yes, sending the deaf children to public school isn't very good, especially if they don't have special programs. And trying to make local school districts pay for this school on a contract basis won't work because local government is worse off than the state. Cut evenly on good programs if there is no other way, cut out outdated programs, cut optional programs, close tax loopholes. Add minor fees. Tax the rich. Sell unused government properties, but don't cut programs for the disadvantaged. Or here is an idea. Allow state governments a 20% deficit during recession years with a set number of years to pay it back.


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