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Tell Off Rob McKenna! #2

Here is a email letter I got from a little group called Fuse:

Exactly one year ago, President Obama signed historic health insurance reform into law. Since then, seniors are paying less for their prescriptions and care, kids are being covered by their parents’ health insurance, and children with pre-existing conditions can’t be denied insurance coverage. 

But because of Attorney General Rob McKenna, all of this progress and more is at risk. 

McKenna joined a lawsuit with other conservative Attorneys General seeking to overturn all of these critical reforms, including even the most basic protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Once again, Rob McKenna is putting partisan politics above good policy by trying to drag us back to a broken health care system. 

We’re leading a strong coalition demanding that Attorney General McKenna immediately drop his lawsuit and stop playing politics with our health. Help us make sure he hears from thousands of people that it's time to drop his lawsuit. Click below to add your name: 

Attorney General McKenna and the other plaintiffs were clear in their lawsuit: declare health insurance reform unconstitutional and stop implementation immediately. On January 31, a conservative federal court judge overturned the entire law, and now the law is likely headed to the Supreme Court. 

We need to tell Attorney General Rob McKenna that now is not the time to be playing politics with our health. Click below to check out our new website and add your name to the list of those demanding that McKenna drop his lawsuit. We’ll make sure he receives the letter with all of our signatures, and we’ll let you know what happens.

Thanks for all that you do,

Aaron and the entire team at Fuse


  1. Usually I agree with Republicans on prolife issues and little else politically. For a while I liked some things Rob McKenna was doing for the little guy but his anti-labor and anti-health care stances irk me.

  2. "McKenna joined a lawsuit with other conservative Attorneys General seeking to overturn all of these critical reforms, including even the most basic protections for those with pre-existing conditions."

    Of course if he would seek to overturn the legislation, it would include even those parts which no one objects to. There is no 'line-item overturn'. It's all or nothing.

    Now why don't you focus on the parts that he (and many others) actually find objectionable?

  3. First off, I prefer that people leave comments with either a handle or their name, with a means of building a dialog. If people are whistle blowing or something like that, fine, but identity is part of how we communicate. Yesterday I had a ranter and in part because he hid his identity but took pot shots, I removed his comments. I appreciate however your joining the conversation on some level. Actually courts often overturn only part of the legislation. However the reason I don't focus on the many parts of the legislation he finds objectionable is that for the most part I don't find them objectionable. I would have preferred a single payer or at least a public option and I don't necessarily think that mandated purchase will drive down the cost of insurance (although other features may) but I think these things will be fixed legislatively after the next election. the public generally prefers moving ahead to solve problems over repeal, repeal, stall and do nothing and in a presidential election year they will hand a defeat to a Congress that has done that. But again, thatnk you for expressing your beliefs.


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