April 4th is the 43rd Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King and it's coming in the middle of a re-ignition of the labor and civil rights movements in the wake of Wisconsin. The spirit of the Cheddar Revolution is spreading and hundreds of rallies, protest actions, leafleting, picketing, faith events, teach ins, work site discussions, and marches are scheduled. A broad spectrum of labor and progressive organizations are taking action for Martin Luther King Jr.'s call for economic justice for all.
Martin Luther King was in Memphis 43 years ago this April 4th, helping striking sanitation workers demand a living wage and better working conditions when an assassins bullet struck him down. Across the country a wave of riots struck poor African American neighborhoods, college campuses erupted in protests and progressives took to the streets as grief and anguish motivated a broad spectrum of Americans. Today we are motivated by the grief an anguish caused by the assassins bullet Gov. Walker has struck Wisconsin unions with. We will not let this tragedy pass without a change in America.
There are likely to be one or more events next to you and you can find them at: http://local.we-r-1.org/
If there are no events near you at this site you can find resources and ideas for organizing one.
Yes, I'll be there!
Martin Luther King was in Memphis 43 years ago this April 4th, helping striking sanitation workers demand a living wage and better working conditions when an assassins bullet struck him down. Across the country a wave of riots struck poor African American neighborhoods, college campuses erupted in protests and progressives took to the streets as grief and anguish motivated a broad spectrum of Americans. Today we are motivated by the grief an anguish caused by the assassins bullet Gov. Walker has struck Wisconsin unions with. We will not let this tragedy pass without a change in America.
There are likely to be one or more events next to you and you can find them at: http://local.we-r-1.org/
If there are no events near you at this site you can find resources and ideas for organizing one.
Can you help make April 4 an overwhelming day of solidarity for working people?
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